Who’s Running your Factory?

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foremanWho’s Running your Factory?

Your mind is a busy factory, producing up to 80,000 thoughts per day.

The production of your thoughts is under the charge of two foremen, one of whom we will call Mr. Triumph and the other Mr. Defeat.

Mr. Triumph is in charge of manufacturing positive thoughts, the thoughts that align with what you want in life and move you towards it.

He specializes in producing:

….Reasons why you can
….Why you’re qualified
….Why you will
….Why it’s possible

The thoughts that prove you can make it happen-all the reasons there are to believe in you, to believe in what you can accomplish, and all the reasons why you’re going to have a great day, and a great life.

Mr. Defeat, is in charge of manufacturing negative thoughts.

He produces thoughts that:

….Keep you stuck
….Hold you back
….Reasons why you can’t
….Why you’re inadequate
….Why it’s not possible
….Why you’re not good enough
….Why you’re not smart enough

His specialty is the “why you will fail” and “why it won’t get any better” chain of thoughts.

Both Mr. Triumph and Mr. Defeat are
intensely obedient!

They snap to attention immediately.

All you do to signal either of them is to give the slightest beck and call.

If the signal is positive, Mr. Triumph will step forward and go to work. Likewise, a negative signal brings Mr. Defeat forward.

Tell yourself, “Today is a lousy day.” This signals Mr. Defeat into action and he manufactures some facts to prove you are right.

He suggests to you:

….It’s too hot or it’s too cold
….Your head hurts
….You feel tired
….Your spouse is inadequate
….Your kids don’t listen
….There’s no way you can do what you need to do
….Life will never get better
….It’s too difficult

Mr. Defeat is tremendously efficient. In just a few moments he’s got you sold. Things are awful and it’s not going to get better.

But tell yourself, “Today is a great day and I’ve got so much potential to offer” and Mr. Triumph is signaled forward to act.

He tells you,
….This is a wonderful day
….It’s good to be alive.
….I’ve got challenges to conquer
….I believe in my potential
….I have so much going for me
….I’ll figure it all out

You’re now headed towards a good day.

Mr. Defeat can show you why you can’t
accomplish what you set out to do.

Mr. Triumph will show you how you can.

Mr. Defeat will convince you that you will fail while Mr. Triumph will tell you all the reasons why you will succeed.

Mr. Defeat will prepare a brilliant case for reasons why you should believe all the negatives and Mr. Triumph will prepare a brilliant case for all the reasons to believe the positives.

Now the more work you give either of these two foremen, the stronger he becomes.

If Mr. Defeat is given more work to do, he adds personnel and takes up more space in your mind.

Eventually, he will take over the entire thought-manufacturing division and virtually all thought will be of a negative nature.

The only wise thing to do is FIRE MR DEFEAT!!!!!!

You don’t need him.

You don’t want him around telling you that you can’t, you’re not up to it, and you’ll fail.

Start giving the jobs to Mr. Triumph and start letting him take over.

I can’t even give proper credit to this story as I saved it years ago–it’s always stuck in the back of my mind.

I know it was a book on Positive Thinking and I think it might have been from Norman Vincent Peale.

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