“What did I say?”

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“The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.”  ~Ralph Nichols

We all need to feel valued and important!

Do you truly listen and understand what people are saying?

Truly listen???

Truly Understand??

or do you HALF listen?

We all need a good reminder about this from time to time. 

Truly listening and understanding someone’s perspective really can help them feel valued, important, accepted, validated, understood and cared for. 

Just taking the time to be there with powerful listening skills can help someone rise above whatever obstacles they are facing. 

Which really is a special gift!

We often don’t really hear what the other person is saying because we are too quick to judge, provide solutions, and disagree, rather than being a good sounding board.

Good listening has the power to improve any and all relationships!!

Don’t underestimate its value!

Yet, Good listening is VERY RARE!! 

Put aside your own agenda. 

Listen patiently without interrupting.

Try repeating to yourself “Just listen, don’t interupt”

Reflect what you heard and ask questions to get more information TO UNDERSTAND better what they are truly saying. 

Don’t think about other things—- FOCUS on what the person in front of you is telling you right here right now. 

Don’t  judge, criticize, or think about all the advice you want to give them. (or how wrong they are)

Repeat to yourself “Don’t be judgmental!”

When you are judging someone for what they are telling you, that person will shut down.  

We don’t feel comfortable opening up to someone who is judging us. 

Remember that LISTENING doesn’t mean that you AGREE with what they are saying.  It means that you care enough to try to understand what they are thinking and saying. 

Nonjudgmental listening gives the other person a feeling of your acceptance and builds trust.

Listening is a true gift which you can share to increase trust and connection with your kids, your spouse, your friends, and your co-workers. 

Repeat to yourself “Just listen”

It’s the gift that keeps on giving!

Here’s to STRENGTHENING your LISTENING skills. 

It really does make a BIG difference when people feel heard and understood. 

If you’d like to discover how personal life coaching can help you or if you’re looking for a speaker or trainer for a workshop or event, reach out at fay@fayprairie.com or 507-829-0181 and we can set up a time to visit.