Is It Time To Update Your Self-Image? (Part II)


Self-Esteem-and-PerceptionDo you want to be a person who GETS what you WANT in your life?

Then you have to SEE YOURSELF as that person!

The IMAGE you have of yourself is the one that will be PLAYED out in YOUR life.

If you want to know what IMAGE you have of yourself right now, just look at what’s playing out in your life.

That tells you EXACTLY the image you have of YOURSELF on the inside.

Change is something that needs to happen from the inside out.

Just like if you want to watch a different DVD movie, you have to go inside the DVD player, take out the old DVD and replace it with a new DVD.

If you leave the old DVD in, no matter what you do, the movie on the TV screen will not change.

The SECRET to creating long term CHANGE is to go inside yourself, to your SUBCONSCIOUS mind, and begin to see the new person you want to become.

Changing your self image ISN’T DIFFICULT, but it does require PERSISTENCY and CONSISTENCY.

Follow these TWO easy steps:

1.  Design the person you want to be.

Allow your mind to IMAGINE all the QUALITIES you would like to have.

  • How would you like to act?
  • What would you like to look like?
  • How would you like to feel about things?
  • What would your life be like?

Think about as many DETAILS as you can.

2.  Install It!

Now that you have a clear, inspiring idea of who you want to be, you want to IMAGINE yourself as this person. Dream about it and play the new movie over and over again in your mind!

Make it real by thinking of specific situations and see, hear, and feel yourself acting as this new person.

The more you do this, you TRAIN yourself to act this way and you will gradually become this new person.

It’s EASY!  The KEY is to DO IT!!!

Repeat it CONSISTENTLY and PERSISTENTLY until you begin to see the new results in your life!

 ”Self-image” is the key to human personality and human behavior. Change the self image and you change the personality and the behavior.”
-Maxwell Maltz

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12 comments on “Is It Time To Update Your Self-Image? (Part II)

  1. The Key is to do it!! Yes! And the key to tacking action and doing it is to take teeny baby steps and then gain momentum! Nice article, thanks!

    • You are so right, Wendi–small steps or we tend to stop and not do it at all!

  2. I have to admit,”two steps” totally grabbed me! Nicely done! xx Angela

    • And—Two powerful steps when we consistently do it!

  3. Ezina says:

    I’m going to work on some installation this week! Thank you for this post. Its so easy to get stuck in the person we were. Everyday we shift, I need to shift in every area.

    • I’m busy working on the installation too–it’s easy to do but it’s also easy not to do. It just needs to become a habit–something we automatically do!

  4. Elizabeth Clark says:

    Human potential is fascinating, and with a few key tools we can uplevel and change our lives. We all have infinite potentil and infinite possibilities. And another key is definitely consistency with our changes! Thanks for sharing such a fun approach to change, Fay.

  5. Elizabeth Clark says:

    Human potential is one of my favourite things – we all have infinite potential and infinite possibilities in our lives! Thanks, Fay, for sharing another great way to update our self-image (and thus ourselves). And I believe concistency is the key to change.

    P.S. I love Dr. Maxwell Maltz

  6. Elizabeth Clark says:

    Human potential is one of my favourite things – we all have infinite potential and infinite possibilities in our lives! Thanks, Fay, for sharing another great way to update our self-image (and thus ourselves). And I believe consistency is the key to change.

    P.S. I love Dr. Maxwell Maltz

    • Consistency–what a powerful force it can have in our lives!!

  7. Patrice Dunckley says:

    Consistency and installation. Great way to look at it!

  8. Be the Change you want to see in the world … and in YOURSELF, right?! We make things so complicated but when we have a clear and simple plan it is indeed attainable. And it’s so true that the energy we emit is exactly what we’ll get back.

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