Instantly Improve ALL Your Relationships by Following This ONE Rule!


GIRAGGEFESResearchers have discovered that if we want to see improved performance in those we interact with, whether that be co-workers, students, significant other, children or family, we need a ratio of five positives to one negative.

When the nuber of positive interactions outweighs the negative interactions by a ratio of 5:1, relationships thrive!

POSITIVITY is when you show support, encouragement or appreciation (“that’s a good idea”), and NEGATIVITY is when you show disapproval (“that’s about the dumbest thing I ever heard”), sarcasm, or cynicism.”

It may be easy to stay positive with friends and acquaintinces, but what about the people you spend the most time with?

How many times a day do you give positive feedback to someone as compared to negative?

Most of us tend to think we are more positive than we really are. Take time to become more self-aware and track how often you are noticing and commenting on the things you appreciate versus the things you don’t like.


“Look for the good and praise it. In each other, in your children and family, in the world, in the people you work with, even in nature. Speak it out loud”

CRITICIZING and CORRECTING is so EASY and NATURAL to do when someone does something we consider “wrong.” Yet, it can strain and stress our relationships.

Make it a point to PRAISE and emphasize POSITIVE behavior.

Instead of focusing your attention on the negative behavior you want to eliminate, accentuate the positive behavior you want to increase!

Research has shown that kids who are dealing with difficult situations and demonstrating difficult behaviors can have their lives turned around by a caring and sensitive teacher/adult who makes them feel worthwhile by focusing on their strengths.

Despite all the research, catching people doing things wrong still seems to be the norm.

Are you wearing glasses that find people’s strengths and positive attributes?


Are you wearing glasses that consistently find their weaknesses and negative attributes?

To STRENGTHEN any relationship, whether at work, home or school, whether with adults, teens or children, change what you consistently look for and what you consistently comment on.

It can have a ripple effect!

Remember, if you want YOUR relationship to THRIVE, strive for the FIVE POSITIVES TO ONE NEGATIVE RULE!

4 comments on “Instantly Improve ALL Your Relationships by Following This ONE Rule!

  1. The words we use are so, so very important. Words can be weapons or words can be balm to the soul. Either way, they can change lives forever. When we think of how much power we hold on the tip of our tongues with our words, we might stop for an extra second and notice that word before we fling it out!

  2. This is a really good reminder to focus on what we are grateful for (even in our relationships) rather than what is lacking or what bugs us. It’s all to easy to get caught up in what isn’t working and forget to appreciate qualities in others and all that they bring to us! Practicing this can have such a positive impact. Thanks for the post!

  3. Aly Pain says:

    Relationships have the power to heal and the power to harm in any moment. Being positive, keeping the 5:1 ratio, almost guarantees you will land on the ‘heal’ side every time. Sounds simple, I know. But in our ‘busier than ever lives’, this is a great reminder to be more conscious about our words and aware of their impact.

  4. Jill Place says:

    I’m a HUGE practice of gratitude and treating everyone how I’d like to be treated.
    And how positive breeds positive. Words are powerful weapons, but can also be equally powerful poultices. BRAVA!

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