HOPE–An effective antidote to moving forward positively!



hopeWhether it’s bullying or another one of life’s obstacles, HOPE is part of the antidote. 

Sometimes when we start to lose hope, we need someone else to share their hope with us until we can strengthen our own again.  That’s a great gift we can give to one another. 

Life has uncertainties, disappointments, and moments of despair. However, even when times get difficult and intimidating, as long as we keep HOPE alive, we can continue to move forward with confidence. 

When you have HOPE, you BELIEVE and have FAITH that things will get better and you will PERSEVERE. 

HOPE is a powerful ATTITUDE which opens doors where despair slams them shut.

The Webster definition of hope is the “feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best” or the “feeling that something desired may happen.”

How does HOPE help us in our life?

1. Hope helps us to feel stronger. When we truly believe things will get better, we are willing to do whatever it takes. With hope we can look to the future with confidence and excitement, and we can begin to do more than we ever imagined.


2. Hope helps us focus on the positive.  Whatever we focus on grows. When we maintain our focus on the positives in our life, more positive things come into our life. Hope allows us to look forward to all the wonderful things in life.


3. Hope helps us envision possibilities and solutions. There will always be difficulties, but hope helps us to visualize good outcomes. It allows us to expect good things to happen.


4. Hope gives us the desire to learn and grow. Hope helps us regain interest and get involved more fully in life. By growing as a person we will make improvements that lead to greater life-satisfaction and well-being.


5. Hope helps us to take an empowered view toward life.  A hopeful attitude helps us see the best, work for the best, and, ultimately, experience the best in life. Hope increases our joy, courage and level of success in life.


No matter what you face in life, always:

Think Hopefully

Speak Hopefully

Work Hopefully

Act Hopefully

Do all you can to make HOPE a daily habit.

Remind yourself that regardless of what happens in your life, you always have the option to choose HOPE.

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2 comments on “HOPE–An effective antidote to moving forward positively!

  1. I love all the suggestions, but especially the one about RE-framing. There is power in the way we choose to see things, and in what we choose to believe. What we believe guides our thoughts, and then our actions. So re-framing is a very powerful tool.

  2. Fay – I love this write on hope! Especially –> “Hope helps us to take an empowered view toward life.” Choosing to live with hope I think brings along with it optimizing and happiness … a desire to look at the silver linings 🙂

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