Are these FEARS keeping you stuck?

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change is hardIs there something in your life that you’d like to change?


  • Improve a relationship?
  • Overcome anxiety stress or worry?
  • Increase your peace and happiness?
  • Lose some weight?
  • Or, maybe you’d like to be more focused and productive?

Most of us have an area of our life where we feel frustrated and stuck.

What would improve your life?

Often we know what we need to do but we still don’t do it.

It’s like we’re locked in a jail cell and we keep living the same way– day after day–over and over again. We know the changes we want to make but we just can’t seem to make it happen.

Neuroscience shows that our mind has POWERFUL capabilities to make changes in our life.

So, why don’t we do it?

A BIG thing that holds us back is FEAR.

Three types of FEAR that keep us stuck.


It will be agony and pain to make those changes! It will be torture and misery to do the things you need to do! It will be stressful and frustrating! You just want to avoid all of those uncomfortable feelings. Your mind tries to keep you in your comfort zone even if long term it’s really more miserable than making the change. The unfamiliar is scary.


It’s too hard! It will take so much work! I’m going to have to focus, learn new things—it will take so much energy and time. I’ll have to do this and I’ll have to do that and it’s just too overwhelming to even think about it! I’ll do it ‘someday’ when I have more time and energy. (even though quite frequently-someday-never comes)


What if I go through all that work, spend all that time trying and nothing changes anyway.

What if:

  • I gain the weight back?
  • My relationship is still bad?
  • I’m still not happy?
  • I’m still anxious and stressed out?
  • I can’t do it?
  • It’s just not possible for me?
  • Nothing ever changes?

When you think all those NEGATIVE things, your body releases CHEMICALS into your system that make you FREEZE.

You don’t go forward with making the changes in your life.

These three FEAR MINDSETS keep you stuck in that jail cell where you really don’t want to be!

You start to replay these thoughts over and over again in your mindthey become habitual thoughts that keep you stuck in the same jail cell day after day.

You associate PAIN to CHANGE. It’s easier to just stay where you are, even if it is miserable.

So, even though you are holding the key to unlock the jail cell, you stay in it.

What are you missing out on in your life by continuing to live with things the way they are?

When we first start making changes, it’s like a rocket ship taking off from earth. It takes an immense amount of fuel and energy to get the rocket off the ground but once it’s in flight, the fuel and energy usage tapers off tremendously.

It’s the same way for us; it can take what feels like a tremendous amount of energy to get moving and making changes but once we get into the flow of it, the amount of work and energy it takes levels off and it becomes much easier.

We FEAR the PAIN of that initial startup and think it’s going to continue to be that difficult the entire time.

Remember that getting off the ground or getting started uses the majority of the fuel and energy.

It’s your mind’s job to keep you in your comfort zone and even though there’s an area of your life that would really benefit from making changes, the FEAR of pain FEAR of difficulty FEAR of inability to do it keeps you locked in that jail cell.

But, you do hold the key to get yourself out!

What would your life be like if you could learn to reorient your mind around pain so you could start to move past it and move towards pleasure and creating the life you want to live?

Sometimes making changes can be difficult to do on your own. What if you had someone to walk along your side, to support and encourage you when things seem too PAINFUL?

Contact Fay to see how personal life coaching can help you change the mindsets that are keeping you stuck in that same jail cell day after day.


Fay Prairie is a counselor, personal life coach and speaker specializing in personal development, relationships and empowering mindsets. She helps set you free from stress and negativity so you can start creating a Better You…Better Relationships…Better Life…

Fay also provides workshops and trainings.  Check out her speaking page by  Clicking Here

Contact Fay to set up a FREE 30 minute call to discover how Personalized Life Coaching can help you to begin making positive changes in your life!   (e-mail or call 507-829-0181) 

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