If you were surfing, would you rather land in the rocks or the sand?

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rocks or sand without ogoWhen you learn to surf, you’re taught that you will always head towards that which you keep looking at.

Would you rather land on the rough edged rocks or the sandy beach?

In life, when you dwell on what could go wrong, you head for the rocks.


  • I have no idea how to do this.
  • What if I put in all this time and effort and nothing changes anyway.
  • Who am I trying to kid—I don’t have what it takes.
  • Things will never be the way I want them to be.
  • Things will never get better.

Why not dwell on what could go right, and land on the soft sand.


  • It’s going to be so awesome to figure this out.
  • I can’t wait till things start turning out the way I want them to be.
  • It’s going to be so freeing and exciting to finally head a different direction in my life.
  • How amazing it will be when I can make and create my life to be the way I want it to be.

YOU HAVE A CHOICE –you can focus on the ROCKS or you can focus on the SAND.

Which reality are you going to focus on?

Which brings you more joy?

Why waste your time dwelling on worst case scenarios?

Making assumptions that things will never change anyway?

Why prepare for doom?

Why be pessimistic?

Why worry about the things happening that we don’t want to happen?

Especially when you can focus on how amazing it’s going to be when you create that great relationship, get that job you want, make the changes you want to make and move towards that goal you want to reach.

When you focus on how wonderful and exciting it will be when things turn out, you feel HAPPY.

When you feel HAPPY, it will give you more MOMENTUM and MOTIVATION to make those changes.

It takes the same amount of energy, why not think about things turning out just like you want them to instead of how you don’t want them to?

Why not feel better?

Feel more excited?

Feel more joy and happiness?

You’ll have less anxiety and worry in your life.

The soft sand will feel so much better than the jagged, rugged rocks!

The newest research in neuroplasticity proves that you have the capability to do this; you can retrain your brain through repetition and practice.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can implement this in your life, contact Fay.


Fay Prairie is a counselor, personal life coach and speaker specializing in personal development, relationships and empowering mindsets. She helps set you free from stress and negativity so you can start creating a Better You…Better Relationships…Better Life…

Fay also provides workshops and trainings.  Check out her speaking page by  Clicking Here

Contact Fay to set up a FREE 30 minute call to discover how Personalized Life Coaching can help you to begin making positive changes in your life!   (e-mail fay@fayprairie.com or call 507-829-0181) 

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