Start Your Day Right!!

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gratitude 4Most of your reality is not a given. It is shaped by your thoughts. Often, your thoughts are formed unconsciously and can be counter-productive or limiting but, you can consciously form positive thoughts that will make you feel much better about your life.

More and more people are becoming aware of the fact that the most common trait of highly successful and happy people is the recognition of the power they have in choosing better thoughts to have a better life.

One of the most effective ways of changing our thoughts is through consistently and persistently practicing everyday.

Here is one easy, yet life-changing ritual you can do every morning. It will empower your entire day!


Feeling gratitude and appreciation for those little signs and moments of joy happening in your life is probably one of the easiest, yet most taken for granted, rituals to start your day on a positive note.

Gratitude focuses on what is working in your life – the positives! It increases happiness and positivity by putting the spotlight on awesome things, big or small, that are going right! Quite often we tend to focus on what’s not working which causes conflicts, anxiety and unhappiness.

Start your day by being thankful for those positive things that happened the previous day or throughout the week. It doesn’t matter if it’s something really small. Maybe you got an unexpected visit from an old friend, a positive encounter with a kind stranger, a compliment from someone. No matter how small, take note of it.

Do it every morning and see what happens during the day.

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