Mindset Makeover

“Mindset Makeover” Workshop

A small, relaxed workshop on Saturday, February 11 from 10am-4pm for just $75 (that’s less than the price of one coaching session and lunch is included!)

The workshop will be held at a private home in rural Balaton so it will be comfortable and relaxed.

You’ll join and connect with a small group of women (limited to 12) in a fun, interactive, life-changing day.

  • Learn how to reprogram your mindset to be more empowered than ever

  • Learn how your triggers, stories and excuses keep you stuck

  • Learn the secrets to making permanent, positive life changes

You’ll discover scientific research-based tools and strategies to help you be in control of your emotions, your self-worth, and your “mental habits” so you can feel great about you.

It’s like finally getting an owner’s manual for your amazing and powerful brain so you can get better results in your life.

During this full day mindset makeover, you’ll discover how to positively change your life by using the power of your mind so you can have thriving relationships, peace and happiness.

The day will encompass:

  1.  Winning from the Inside Out
  2.  Letting Go of Your Stories
  3.  Dump the head trash that keeps you stuck
  4.  Self-Love and Acceptance
  5.  Triumph over Negativity
  6.  Power Affirmations
  7.  Art and Science of Mindfulness
  8.  5 Step Process to Managing Mental Chatter
  9.  Developing Empowering Daily Rituals

There will be time for discussions, interactive exercises and connection.

It’s going to be a FUN, life changing day. Think of it as a spa day for your mind!

This is a true opportunity you don’t want to miss!

E-Mail Fay at fay@fayprairie.com or call 507-829-0181 to register.  Space will be limited to 12.