What thoughts are you watering?

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watering canThe plants you water in your garden are more likely to grow big and strong.

The same goes for your thoughts.  If you water your judgmental thoughts, they will grow big and strong.  If you water your worry thoughts, they will grow big and strong.  If you water your angry, irritable thoughts, they will grow big and strong.

We develop neural pathways in our brain and we tend to keep taking the same path again and again.  Research says that 90% of the thoughts you thought yesterday you will think again tomorrow and again the next day.  Your thoughts become a habit just like the way you brush your teeth and comb your hair.

The more you think a thought, the more it grows.  To change things in your life, you need to change the way you think.  Instead of letting your thoughts be on automatic pilot, you need to become aware of them and make a conscious effort to change them.

The first step is becoming aware of what your current thoughts are.  Start to become mindful of your thoughts.  Throughout the day, ask yourself, “What was I just thinking?”  Once you become aware, then you can begin to consciously decide if that thought is empowering or disempowering for you and your life!

Six Steps to Elevate Any Relationship!

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  1. Accept and celebrate differences!

One of the biggest challenges in relationships is that we are all different.  We feel more comfortable when people are more like us, when they think and act in the way we expect them to.  However, relationships would be dull if everyone thought and acted the same; the novelty of sameness would soon wear off!

2. Develop Empathy!

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”  Empathy is a vital skill for successful relationships.  It means taking time to understand where the other person may be coming from instead of judging and criticizing them.  Having empathy helps you to be patient and kind.

3. Notice and focus on the other person’s assets!

Yes, everyone has traits that irritate us!  Everyone also has traits that we can admire (if we want to).  Choose to find and focus on that which you admire!

4.  Compliment them!

Compliments make people feel good and then they associate you with that feeling, which improves your relationship! Make sure your compliments are genuine and specific.  The more you compliment, the better you’ll get at it!

5. Remember, life is like a boomerang.

Love attracts love.  Appreciation attracts appreciation.  Friendliness attracts friendliness.  Cooperativeness attracts cooperativeness.

Grumpiness attracts grumpiness.  Rage attracts rage. Blaming and complaining attracts blaming and complaining.

6. The words you use are powerful!

Be positive, warm and friendly. Relationships are like a bank account.  When you use positive words, you are making deposits.  When you use negative, condemning words, you are making withdrawals.  In order for your account to not get overdrawn, you need to make sure you are making more deposits than withdrawals!