Do you have the ASSUMPTION VIRUS??

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Do you ever find yourself making negative assumptions about other people’s reactions?


Action: “He didn’t even look me in the eye when I was talking.”

Assumption: He obviously didn’t care what I had to say.



Action: “She didn’t ask any questions about my day.”

Assumption: She could have cared less about the stressful day I had.



Action: “He didn’t even say “hi” when I saw him in the store.”

Assumption: I guess that says how important I am to him.



Action: “She never called me back.”

Assumption: I’m sure she’s upset with me about something I said.


Action: “He didn’t respond to my request.”

Assumption: I’m sure that means he doesn’t approve.


Negative assumptions affect how you feel, which affects how you behave, which ultimately affects your relationships with others. 

In all of the scenarios above, your assumption may lead you to send “emotion” poison back to the person.  You ignore them, back away, become silent, blame them, criticize them, become angry and rude with them.

In reality your assumption may just be a mirage.

We think we see something that is real and clear, but it’s not really so.


 Henry Winkler wasn’t that far off with his quote-

“Assumptions are the termites of relationships.”